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Student Board Member


In order to enhance communications and collaboration between the Governing Board and the student body and to teach students the importance of civic involvement, the Board supports the participation of high school students in district governance.  The Student Board member is the liaison between MDUSD students and the governing body.

Student Board members are selected annually and serve for a term of one year. The Student Board Member for 2024-25 is Crystal Ochoa  


The duties of the Student Board Member include:

  • Attendance at all scheduled Governing Board meetings, except closed sessions.
  • Provide continuing input for Board deliberations
  • Chair the Student Advisory Committee meetings


Board By Law 9150



The term of the Student Board member shall be one calendar year, commencing July 1 and ending June 30.  The Student Board member will attend all regular Governing Board meetings, excluding closed session.  Meetings are typically on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning at 6:00pm.

The Student Board member is seated with all other Governing Board members and will be recognized at meetings as a full member.  They may participate in questioning and discussing issues and will receive all materials presented to Board members except those related to closed session and personnel matters.  The Student Board member will cast preferential votes on matters and may make motions that may be acted upon by the Board in most cases.

Application Qualifications for Student Board Members:

  • Must be an currently enrolled MDUSD student and entering junior (grade 11) or senior (grade 12) for the year in which they serve
  • Hold and maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average
  • Be enrolled in 20 credits