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Position Budgeting


 Sandra Inouye                                                                                                             
Position Budgeting refers to the activity of budgeting for personnel costs by position. It is part of Position Control which is the process by which our District's Leadership reviews requests to temporarily or permanently fill positions. It is a measure to track hiring and monitor costs so we can operate at optimal efficiency while ensuring that resources align with our District's strategies and maintaining fiscal accountability. This department is responsible for tracking board approved positions along with personnel allocations and expenditures. This highly complex work includes vacancy management and the management of the District's positions for budget projections, control editing, processing, calculations and reporting purposes.
Use position budgeting to develop personnel line item budget activities for salaries, earnings, benefits, and employer-paid taxes.
To see all your positions and the employees assigned to your site, please print your Position Control report:
For requests to Change the Funding of existing positions, Create/Eliminate positions or Increase/Decrease the FTE of existing positions, please fill out this form:
When the request is to Change the Funding, Eliminate positions or Increase/Decrease the FTE of existing positions, please print the Position Control report and attach it to the Position Budgeting Form (PBF).  Please email both documents.  Please make sure your email header has the Position name and your Site code and School/Department name. 
When the request is to Create a new position, please attach the Agenda Item showing Board approval and the Job Description showing the salary range and number of working days.
When the request is for PFC/PTA funded positions, please also submit your Meeting Minutes showing approval of the action and this form:
Please note that the Reimbursement form and Meeting Minutes cannot list an employee's name, salary cost limit nor teaching subjects.  
Once submitted, we will confirm receipt of your request.  All requests will be reviewed and routed for approval.  Requests may be delayed if information is not submitted in its entirety.