Purchasing & Warehouse
- Purchasing
- Contract Documents
- Warehouse
- BIDs, RFPs, RFQs, & Public Auction Information
Purchasing Department Policies & Procedures
Welcome to the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Purchasing & Warehouse Department. Our goals are to: ensure that the goods and services necessary for the operation of the District are obtained at competitive prices; guarantee fairness in the selection of vendors, and putting more tax dollars into education while providing the savings, service, and solutions supporting the achievements and success of every student and teacher in the District; and to obtain goods, services and construction for public purposes according to laws and procedures intended to provide for the economical expenditures of public funds.
Purchasing and Warehouse Manual (v. 10/2021)
Procurement Card Information (Cal-Card) - UPDATING
Contract Documents
Delivery Schedules 2024-2025
Group A - 1st and 3rd Weeks
- Warehouse orders for all schools listed above are due by the above Friday due dates.
- Orders are usually delivered the next week (1ST & 3RD weeks of the month), but a two week window is given for unusual circumstances.
- Most months have two delivery dates except September..
- To ensure your order is received by the delivery dates above please have your order placed in the BusinessPlus system by the order due dates at 3:00 p.m.
- Do not make any changes to your order after this due date.
Group B - 2nd and 4th Weeks
- Warehouse orders for all schools listed above are due by the above Friday due dates (Except for Thursday 4/10/25).
- Orders are usually delivered the next week (2nd and 4th weeks of the month), but a two week window is given for unusual circumstances.
- Most months have two delivery dates except August & January.
- To ensure your order is received by the delivery dates above, please have your order placed in the BusinessPlus system by the order due dates at 3:00 p.m.
- Do not make any changes to your order after this due date.
BIDs, RFPs, RFQs, & Public Auction Information
Bidding at Mt. Diablo Unified School District
Prequalification and CUPCCAALINK to NonConstruction RFPs and RFQs
Auction Surplus
PUBLIC NOTICE-Vehicles 09/16/24
Link to Surplus items for sale at GovDeals.com from the Mt. Diablo Unified School District
District Employees
Pre-Approval Conference & Travel Forms and Checklists Conference and Travel Checklist and Instructions v121323 (PDF)
SAVE FIRST-Conference and Travel Pre-Approval FORM v.121323 (GOOGLE)
Online Webinar Checklist and Instructions v.020123 (PDF)
SAVE FIRST-Online Webinar Pre-Approval FORM v.020123 (GOOGLE)
Warehouse Pickup/Move FormsAdministrative Procedures for Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Equipment (PDF)
Warehouse Catalogs
Custodial Catalog 7/26/24 (PDF)
Department Bid, RFP, or RFQ Request FormsBid Request Form