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Accountability Reports that provide information on school and district performance and how MDUSD plans to support student outcomes and overall performance.


State Accountability Reports

CA Dashboard - Reports that display performance on a set of state and local measures.

School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data - Five-by-Five Placement, College/Career, Graduation Rate Additional, Participation Rate, Student Groups, and District/Charter Performance by County.

ED-Data - Comprehensive data about K-12 education in California including data on Students, Staff, Local Revenue Elections, and Finances.

CA School Dashboard Navigator -  An interactive mapping tool for visualizing school and student group performance.

DataQuest - Summary and detailed reports on multiple subject areas.


School and District Reports

LCAP - The Local Control Accountability Plan provides comprehensive details about the district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and achievement targets.

SPSAs - The School Plan for Student Achievement provides comprehensive details about the school’s planned actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance.

MTSS Frameworks - The Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework provides comprehensive details about the alignment of resources and initiatives in a fully integrated continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support the needs of all students.

SARCs - The School Accountability Report Card provides information about the school and students, the school’s mission, goals, accomplishments, and progress.

Accountability Data Highlights - Quick graphics and visuals that summarize key academic, behavioral, culture/climate, and social-emotional learning indicators. ~Link Coming Soon

Survey Data Reports - Full summary reports on distributed surveys. ~Link Coming Soon