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Smarter Balanced IABs/FIABs for ELA and Math


The California Science Test (CAST) measures what students know and can do using the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS), which focus on understanding the scientific concepts found in the life sciences, earth and space sciences, and physical sciences. These standards integrate disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts to help students understand how science works in the natural world. The purpose of the CAST is to assess student knowledge and skills in science, to foster science education at every grade level, to measure the range and depth of the CA NGSS, and to prepare students for college and careers.


The CAST is for eligible students in grades five and eight and one time in high school (i.e., grade ten, eleven, or twelve). The California Department of Education recommends testing high school students when they are enrolled in their last science course. High schools have the option to test any or all students in grade ten or eleven as long as all students have been tested by the end of grade twelve.

Testing Window

4/18/2023 - 6/2/2023


Visit the California Department of Education’s CAST web page for more information.