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i-Ready Diagnostics for Reading and Math


Administered through the i-Ready system, the Diagnostics in Reading and Math are adaptive assessments designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into student needs. By adapting to student responses and assessing a broad range of skills—including skills above and below a student’s chronological grade—the i‑Ready Diagnostic pinpoints student ability level, identifies the specific skills students need to learn to accelerate their growth, and charts a personalized learning path for each student.


All students in grades one through three take the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments in reading and math. The assessments are administered three times throughout the school year. The reading assessments are administered to any student identified as an English learner (EL) that has not already taken the assessment within the current window (i.e., EL students in grades one through three will only need to take the reading assessment once within the current window).

Testing Window

EL Students - Reading Only

See Elementary Assessment Calendar

Grades 6-12

See Secondary Assessment Calendar


Visit Curriculum Associatesi-Ready Diagnostic Assessment web page for more information about the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments.