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Acronyms and Terms


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Acronyms & Terms

Designated ELD:  This refers to classes in which all students are homogeneously grouped as English Learners and are taught with curriculum intended for their ELD level specifically.

EL:  English Learner -A student whose initial score on the ELPAC determines English proficiency and places the student on the state's official list of students learning English.

EB: Emergent Bilingual-  sometimes used as a synonym for English Learner, but also includes native English speakers learning an additional language. 

MLL: Mulitlingual Learner-  sometimes used as a synonym for English Learner, but also includes native English speakers learning an additional language. 

EL ALD:  English Learner Academic Language Development--This is the title for English Language Development classes intended for Long Term English Learners who have not yet met the requirements for reclassification and who continue to struggle academically. 

ELD:  English Language Development—This is the title for classes leveled 1-4 for students who have been in the United States for approximately 5 years or less.

ELPAC:  English Language Proficiency Assessments for California—This is the English language proficiency assessment used by the state of California.   There are two different forms of this test—an initial assessment used for placement which is the shorter of the two and takes place within thirty days of student enrollment; and a summative assessment to measure progress which takes place in the spring.

ELRT: English Learner Review Teams - established at each school and includes all EL students' stakeholders.  Meetings focus on monitoring student progress towards reclassification and academic success.  The team reviews data, completes compliance forms, and discusses how best to provide student support beyond the ELD class. 

EO: English Only—A student whose primary language is English.  This student does not take the ELPAC or any other language proficiency assessment.

IFEP:  Initially Fluent English Proficient—A student whose initial score on the ELPAC determines fluent English proficiency and places the student in mainstream classes.  This student does not require English Learner services.

Integrated ELD:  This refers to all classes that include EL students and teachers address the needs of English Learners within this setting.  Teachers address ELD standards in addition to content area standards.

LTEL:  Long Term English Learner—This student has been in U.S. schools for approximately 6 years or more and has not yet met requirements for reclassification.  

Primary Language Support:  This refers to support the student receives from a teacher or from a paraprofessional who utilizes the first language of the student to facilitate learning in English.  This support may include bilingual dictionaries, glossaries, texts, and other relevant materials written in the student's first language.

Reclassification/Redesignation:  This refers to the process by which an English Learner meets a number of criteria required to be considered proficient in English and no longer in need of an ELD class. 

RFEP: Reclassified Fluent English Proficient—This student was initially an English Learner, but has met the criteria for reclassification and is no longer in need of an ELD class. The student’s progress is monitored for four years after reclassification in order to ensure academic success.  Interventions may be in order for those students who are not performing well academically.

Sheltered: This term is used to refer to content area classes which are solely made up of EL students usually in ELD Levels 1- low 3.  Curriculum is grade level content area with heavy scaffolds.