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Administrative Resources


We hope that this page will support you in your role in serving the English Learners of our district.  On this page we will provide you with information regarding English Learner assessments (initial and annual); placement & scheduling; curriculum & materials; student progress & monitoring; reclassification; professional development; TOSA support; staff roles & responsibilities; and parent involvement (ELAC).  Best wishes for a wonderful school year!


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Master Plan for Services for Multilingual Learners


The Mt. Diablo Unified School District formed a task force which met twelve times over two years (2011-2013) to create the Master Plan for Services for English Learners. This task force was comprised of forty plus members of the school community (teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, students, and community representatives). The Master Plan addresses all areas of need for English learners including identification, program options, monitoring of student progress and program effectiveness. The Master Plan creates a cohesive program for English learners throughout the school district.


       Master Plan for Services to English Learners DRAFT


The Master Plan was created as a unified response to the 2011 program audit conducted by Dr. Norm Gold.


       English Learners Program Audit Report (May 2011) - Spanish


Task force members used the following research to inform the design of the program:


Improving Education for English Learners: Excerpt from Chapter 1
Improving Education for English Learners: Excerpt from Chapter 6


Title III Year 4 Action Plans
English Language Arts
English Language Development

Title III update


Borrador del Plan Maestro Para Los Aprendices de Inglés

Plan Maestro Para Los Aprendices de Inglés



Daño Reparable
Lo que la investigación dice (o no dice) - Jennifer Klump
Lo que dice la investigación sobre estrategias eficaces para los estudiantes ELL - Rhonda Barton
Modelos de los Programas Básicos para Aprendices de Inglés
Mejorando la educación para los aprendices de Inglés: Selecciones del Capítulo 1
Mejorando la educación para los aprendices de Inglés: Selecciones del Capítulo 6