Programs & Plans
- Arts and Music in Schools (AMS)
- Athletics
- College Now
- Comprehensive School Safety Plans
- Early Literacy Support Block Grant--Bel Air Elementary School
- English Learner Master Plan
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Expanded Learning Opportunity Plan (ELOP)
- International Baccalaureate Programme
- Local Control Accountability Program (LCAP)
- Request to Conduct Research
- School Plans for Student Achievement
- School Site Council
- State and Federal Programs
Arts and Music in Schools (AMS)
Arts and Music in Schools
Find out about high school sports by following the school links below. Visit the District Title IX and Gender Equity for information regarding Title IX.
College Park High School - click here
Concord High School - click here
Mt. Diablo High School - click here
College Now
This program is available to 11th and 12th grade students who are looking for a different high school experience. The ideal MDUSD College Now student tends to be highly self-motivated, mature, independent, responsible, hard-working, and have a desire to be an active participant in their own education.
Through College Now, MDUSD students can meet their high school graduation requirements, while earning college credits as well. Students will take their English and social studies classes through MDUSD faculty on the DVC campus. The remaining classes will be college level classes, with other community college students. Students will earn both high school and college credit for those classes.
For more information on how you can apply, where you can get the applications, and the requirements needed, click here.
Comprehensive School Safety Plans
In accordance with Education Code 32280-32288 and California Education Code Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 0450(a)(b), Comprehensive School Safety Plans are updated annually by March 1st.
All Comprehensive School Site Safety Plans have been approved by School Site Councils. School Safety Plans can be accessed at the school site.
Additional information is available on the Comprehensive School Safety Plans page
Early Literacy Support Block Grant--Bel Air Elementary School
English Learner Master Plan
Please visit the English Language Learner & Dual Language information.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Title I provides funds to supplement the core curriculum and facilitate the success of identified educationally disadvantaged students. The funds are used to provide services in the areas of language arts, reading and mathematics, professional development, counseling and guidance, and family involvement. Funds are appropriated according to the number of poverty students. Services may include teachers, coaches, counselors, consultants, instructional materials, training, equipment and program support. Title I monies must be used to supplement the general educational core program.
A district reservation must be set aside for education of those students identified as homeless.
Non public schools in the area of Title I attendance may be eligible for services.
Title I funds are set aside for district summer school programs.
Title II programs and funds are intended to be used for teacher recruitment and teacher quality. Funds may be used for teacher or principal training, math and science partnerships, and professional innovative strategies. Title II part D monies are intended for enhancing education through technology.
Title III is a state managed program for English learners. Monies must be used to supplement what is already being done with Economics Impact Aid to benefit, only, English learners.
The newly enacted bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes a flexible block grant program known as Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) under Title IV Part A, which is authorized at $1.65 billion in fiscal year 2017. Title IV, Part A authorizes activities in three broad areas: 1. Providing students with a well-rounded education including programs such as college and career counseling, STEM, arts, civics and International Baccalaureate/Advanced Placement. 2. Supporting safe and healthy students with comprehensive school mental health, drug and violence prevention, training on trauma-informed practices, and health and physical education. 3. Supporting the effective use of technology that is backed by professional development, blended learning and ed tech devices.
For more information regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act -
Expanded Learning Opportunity Plan (ELOP)
Mt. Diablo Unified School District Expanded Learning Programs provide opportunities for students to experience a safe and supportive environment through expanded learning opportunities before/after school, during intersession and summer session. MDUSD’s Expanded Learning Program (ELP) creates safe and supportive environments by ensuring all ELP locations follow adopted behavior and safety protocols and procedures to ensure a positive inclusive learning environment. The MDUSD Expanded Learning Program offers MDUSD students an opportunity to participate every school day and during a 30 day intersession/summer session for nine hours a day. Priority enrollment will be given to underserved/unduplicated TK-6 students. The Board Adopted Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) Plan outlines services, supports, and models. For more information you can contact Stephanie Roberts, Director Partnerships & MTSS at and/or 925-682-8000 x6201. Robert Humphrey, Administrator Expanded Learning at and/or 925-682-8000 x6235, For the District CARES Expanded Learning Program please contact Eric Rego, After School Services Coordinator at and/or 925-6910351.
International Baccalaureate Programme
International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme leads international education focusing on developing inquiry skills, critical thinking skills, confidence building, communication skills, global mindfulness, and caring amongst student learners. IB has for over 50 years provided a consistent curriculum framework infused with the common CORE state standards using the learner profile traits and the approaches to learning that incorporates flexibility to tailor to students' voice, choice, and ownership so that students have a say in their own educational journey according to their culture and context.
The IB mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring skills in students to help them create a better and more peaceful world through education that builds intercultural understanding and respect.
MDUSD has adopted and partnered with the IB organization to design a continuum through the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for elementary school years at Sequoia Elementary and Monte Gardens Elementary schools, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) for middle school years at Oak Grove Middle School, and the Diploma Programme (DP) for high school years at Ygnacio Valley High School to develop well-rounded individuals who respond to modern challenges with optimism and open-mindedness.
The IB Programmes (PYP, MYP, and DP) will enable teachers to develop resilient, self-motivated students who have the knowledge, skills, and sense of purpose needed to thrive throughout their lives and contribute to making the world a better place for all.
Please click on the school name below to be redirected to their website for more information regarding the school and program.
Monte Gardens Elementary: IB Primary Years Programme Candidate School
Sequoia Elementary: IB Primary Years Programme World School
Oak Grove Middle School: IB Middle Year Programme World School
Ygnacio Valley High School: IB Diploma Programme School
Local Control Accountability Program (LCAP)
Request to Conduct Research
Procedure to Request to Conduct Research
Mt. Diablo Unified School District has an Internal Review Committee that looks at all proposals for research including data requests, interviews, surveys, etc. To request permission to conduct research with the District, applicants must submit the following documentation to the Educational Services Department:
- MDUSD Request to Conduct Research Form
- University-approved Internal Review Board (IRB)
- Any proposed surveys or interview questions
- Any additional required documents
Guidelines for research requests with the district are as follows. Research projects will:
- Not interfere with instructional time
- Not require additional teacher or administrative duties
- Provide benefit and insight to district practices and policy
- Protect student and teacher rights
- Not identify student or teacher information links to the data
- Comply with survey/interview guidelines (copies of the finalized survey tool/interview questions must be included)
- Have prior approval of the student's university IRB
- Receive clearance for research participants who need access to school sites or students.
If a project is approved, MDUSD requires that a copy of the completed research be provided to the Educational Services Department for review prior to publication.
For further information or support, please complete this Online Form.
School Plans for Student Achievement
The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a comprehensive document providing details about the school’s planned actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance, and how these actions connect to the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which lays out goals for the entire District.
The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the Plan is conducted by each school’s School Site Council (SSC), a collaborative, advisory group made up of school staff, parents, community members, and, at the secondary level, students. Development of the SPSA is the Council’s primary responsibility, and offers schools and their respective communities an opportunity to:
- Be part of a collaborative and inclusive school support and growth process
- Review and analyze state and local student achievement, attendance, and climate data
- Engage the community in providing input to identify and develop school improvement priorities
- Build relationships geared toward a mutual goal of supporting the success of all students
- Celebrate and highlight the work of the schools in building performance and growth
Using the California Department of Education's Guide, the SSCs address each of the following, as applicable:
- A description of curricula, instructional strategies and materials responsive to the individual needs and learning styles of each student
- A description of instructional and auxiliary services to meet the needs of English learners, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, students performing below grade level, high achieving students, and students with exceptional needs
- A description of a staff development program for teachers, classified staff, and other school personnel
- An identification of the schools’ means of evaluating progress toward accomplishing its goals (described in the Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes) and an ongoing evaluation of the educational program of the school
- A description of how state and federal categorical funds provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils to the level of state performance goals
The SPSA is approved by the SSC and Mt. Diablo’s Board of Education annually. A copy of the SPSA is available at the school. For additional information on the SPSA, school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact your school's principal.