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Teacher Induction and Support Program (TISP)


The MDUSD Teacher Induction and Support Program (TISP) is dedicated to providing quality learning opportunities for every student by supporting educators and enhancing their skills and knowledge. Our induction program is designed to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching on a preliminary credential.

Ultimately, the program is also designed to increase student achievement, retain well-trained and effective credentialed teachers and improve implementation of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and California K-12 Academic Content Standards in district classrooms.

Mt. Diablo Unified School District's program is locally designed and implemented in accordance with the Standards for Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs. TISP is accredited by the CCTC to recommend candidates for a Clear Credential after successful completion of the two-year process*.

*Additional requirements may apply 

Contact Us

Kirsten Watson, Program Coordinator