Eligibility: Select participating teachers may be eligible to participate in the Early Completion Option pathway. Eligible teachers are not only experienced (having been the teacher of record for two or more years in the area authorized by the preliminary credential), but possess a clearly documented record of exceptional practice, evidenced by at least two rigorous standards-based evaluations and the recommendation of their current administrator (and the administrator most familiar with the teacher's practice, in the case of staffing changes or a change in school site). Participating teachers in this pathway require minimal "just in time" support. Exemplary practice and proficiency with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession must be further evidenced during TISP classroom observations.
Weekly meetings are often teacher-lead and focused on the independent research of the teacher. The mentor is generally in the Coaching stance, and occasionally in the Collaborating stance (Mentoring Stances). Classroom instruction shows high levels of proficiency in all the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, evidenced by a safe and welcoming classroom environment with high levels of student engagement and learning. Instruction is carefully designed and organized to be student-centered and rigorous, and students demonstrate independence, autonomy, and collaboration. Teachers eligible for ECO are reflective practitioners who identify their own areas for growth and are focused in and dedicated to their quest to improve their practice. ECO participating teachers often craft three professional goals and work towards them by engaging in eight focused cycles of inquiry. Additional tools are collaboratively selected by the participating teacher and mentor to target identified areas of growth. Their reflections show a depth of understanding, self-analysis, and ongoing changes in teaching practice based upon careful analysis of varied sources of student data.