Willow Creek Center
The Willow Creek Center is located at 1026 Mohr Lane in Concord, CA 94519. Our direct line is (925) 685-1011.
Department Name Phone Site Administrator/Director of Partnerships & Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Stephanie Roberts 6203 robertss@mdusd.org Assistant Director of Partnerships & Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Celeste Kitts 6212 graybillc@mdusd.org Administrative Secretary/Site Reservations Karen Doig 6201 doigk@mdusd.org Multilingual Education Director Kathryn Fireman 6218 firemank@mdusd.org AP Testing Raymond Tjen-A-Looi 6210 tjenalooir@mdusd.org TISP Coaches 6270 Enrollment Center Director Marji Calbeck 6289 calbeckm@mdusd.org Expanded Learning Program Robert Humphrey 6235 humphreyr@mdusd.org District Nurse/Secretary Sylvia Johnke 6220 johnkes@mdusd.org Multilingual Education Assessment Center Chitra Bhardwaj 6234 bhardwajc@mdusd.org Augmentative Technology/Augmentative and Alternative Communication Renee Bourke (AAC) 6241 bourker@mdusd.org Custodian Dan Anderson 6215 andersond@mdusd.org