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Local Plan for Special Education

Mt. Diablo Unified SELPA has the resonsiblity to adopt a plan in accordance with California Education Code Section 56200 to assure access to special educaiton and services for all eligible individuals with disabilities residing in the geogrphic area served by Mt. Diablo Unfied SELPA.

Participating agencies may enter into additional contractual arrangements with MDUSD to meet the requirements of applicable federal and state law. In adopting the Local Plan, each participating agency agrees to carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to it within the plan. Each agency shall provide special education and services to all eligible students, including students attending charter schools where Mt. Diablo Unified SELPA has granted that charter. In addition, each agency shall cooperate to the maximum extent possible with other agencies to serve individuals with disabilities who cannot be served in MDUSD programs. Such cooperation ensures that a range of program options is available throughout the Mt. Diablo Unified SELPA

The Selpa plan is developed with the assistance of the Community Advisory Committe, who must approve the plan before it is presented to the Board for approval.  Selpa plans typically are presented at a Public Hearing at the first June Board meeting, then brought for approval at the second June meeting