Counseling and Therapeutic Services (CTS)
Under the direction of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and Contra Costa County Children’s Behavioral Health the Counseling and Therapeutic Services (CTS) provides:
- Special education classes with mental health support for elementary, middle and high school students who exhibit serious emotional, behavioral and mental health problems
- Mental health therapy and case management for identified special and regular education students
The intent of CTS is to help students learn how to:
- Increase personal resources for coping and creating successful relationships at school, home, and in the community
- Decrease maladaptive symptoms that interfere with functioning
- Develop coping strategies to maintain in the least restrictive setting to meet educational and mental health needs
- Increase independence
- Transition to a less restrictive educational setting
The CTS emphasizes:
- Academic skills following grade level standards
- Individual learning styles
- Building relationships, family and community partnerships
- Unconditional regard
The teaching process consists within a SEEC consists of:
- Individualized instruction
- Small group setting
- Elementary: 9 students
- Secondary: 11 students
The services providers collaborate to provide case management, counseling, and other related services based upon the individual education plan (IEP) to assist each student in attaining success. Students and families may have access to a mental health therapist, school psychologist, mental health assistant, special education classroom teacher, special education assistant, milieu coordinator, behavior specialist, speech and language pathologist, adaptive physical education teacher, occupational therapist, transition specialist, Workability I caseworker, and also wraparound services and Parent Project.
Consultation and Collaborative Services
CTS support staff consult with parents, families, and other professionals, i.e., County Behavioral Health clinicians and supervisors, private therapists, physicians, probation officers and wraparound team facilitators.
Referrals are made through Coordinated Care Teams or by the IEP team including Psychologist and Program Specialist
SEEC services require Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) assessment and eligibility
Over 350 students are currently served in a full continuum of mental health placements throughout MDUSD.
Mental health services are available at all sites and are provided by both school psychologists and our team of itinerant behavioral health specialists as indicated on student IEPs per assessment. In addition, Fred Finch Youth Center offers school based services at the following locations, Bel Air, Meadow Homes, Shore Acres, Wren, Ygnacio Valley Elementary, El Dorado, Oak Grove, Valley View, and Concord High.
Specific sites have programs designed to meet the more intensive instructional and social/emotional needs of our students at the following locations. Enrollment is determined by IEP teams after assessment and consideration of all other less restrictive environments.
Sun Terrace: counseling enriched program (CEP) for general education and special education students. Two classes supported by a school psychologist and Behaviorist Health Specialists.
Sunrise: Serving K-7 in an intensive SEEC for three classrooms provided by School Psychologist and Behavioral Health Specialists.
Compass: SEEC located at Pleasant Hill Middle School with two classrooms supported by a School Psychologist and Behavioral Health Specialist I's and II's.
Riverview Middle School: Counseling general and special education students provided by a District Behavioral Health Specialist II.
Concord High SEEC: SEEC located at Concord High School with two classrooms supported by a School Psychologist and Behavioral Health Specialist II's.
Alliance: SEEC located at Olympic High School with one classroom supported by a School Psychologist and Behavioral l Health Specialist I and II.
BASES: SEEC located at Mt. Diablo High with three classrooms supported by a School Psychologist and Behavioral Health Specialist II's.
Glenbrook Academy: An intensive SEEC with two classrooms supported by a School Psychologist and Behavioral Health Specialist II.
Counseling Clinic: Counseling for selected students provided by District School Psychologists and Behavioral Health Specialists (BHS)
The Social Emotional Health Program, with unconditional regard, provides Mt. Diablo Unified students mental health services in the least restrictive setting in order to prepare them to be independent and functioning students and citizens in their local communities.
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