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The services providers collaborate to provide case management, counseling, and other related services based upon the individual education plan (IEP) to assist each student in attaining success. Students and families may have access to a mental health therapist, school psychologist, mental health assistant, special education classroom teacher, special education assistant, milieu coordinator, behavior specialist, speech and language pathologist, adaptive physical education teacher, occupational therapist, transition specialist, Workability I caseworker, and also wraparound services and Parent Project.

Consultation and Collaborative Services

CTS support staff consult with parents, families, and other professionals, i.e., County Behavioral Health clinicians and supervisors, private therapists, physicians, probation officers and wraparound team facilitators.

Intake Process

  • Referrals are made through Coordinated Care Teams or by the IEP team including Psychologist and Program Specialist
  • SEEC services require Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) assessment and eligibility