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Intradistrict Transfers

Intradistrict transfers are for students who reside inside the MDUSD boundaries requesting to transfer to another MDUSD school.

Only one transfer application be processed per student per academic year.2025 - 2026 Kindergarten Intradistrict Transfer Application

The Intradistrict Transfer Application for all schools, grades 1-12 and for Sequoia and Monte Gardens' Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year was available October 10 - November 10, 2024.

For more information on how the update will affect your child please select the appropriate grade level in the table below.

Intradistrict Transfer Information


Bay Point/Pittsburg residents that want a Dual Immersion Program please apply to Shore Acres BL 

For a complete list of Dual Immersion schools and more information on the program requirements visit our English Learners webpage.

At some schools there is not enough space available for every student who applies. In order to assign these seats fairly, applications submitted during the transfer window are given "priority", and all applications received during this time period are randomly sorted in order of "priority" placement.

The following is the order of priority for students applying for an intradistrict transfer. The priorities are ranked 1 through 7, with priority 1 receiving the highest placement on the enrollment list. 

Enrollment Priority Table








Parent/guardian employed at the site requested


Students attending a school where attendance has been established by agreement (such as Monte Gardens Elementary and Sequoia Elementary to Sequoia Middle)

Sequoia Middle School is a District-wide school and all enrollments are base on an approved transfer.


Cohorts moving from one level to another (see below for the list of cohorts)


Academic Programs


Parent/guardian employed at a district school within the feeder pattern of the site requested




The following explanations and points are for consideration:

  • All of these are based on space availability and only resident status is guaranteed.

  • Residents: Students living within a school's attendance area.

  • Siblings: Intradistrict Transfer Requests from siblings of students currently enrolled in a school of request. Siblings must share a year at the same school.

  • Employees (3): Employees (3) are currently defined in board policy as follows: Students whose parent/guardian is a resident of the District and a district employee and works a minimum of 10 hours a week at the school of request. This applies only to regular employees. Priority criteria will only apply for the duration of the parent/guardian's employment with the district.

  • Cohort: A cohort is defined as a group of students moving from one level to another. For example, Riverview to Mt. Diablo High, Valley View to College Park, El Dorado to Concord High, and Foothill to Northgate. It also includes the various feeder patterns traveling from elementary school to middle schools.

Elementary to Middle Cohorts




Diablo View / Pine Hollow


Foothill / Oak Grove

Bel Air



Oak Grove

Delta View


El Monte

El Dorado

Fair Oaks

Oak Grove / Pleasant Hill 

Gregory Gardens

Pleasant Hill / Valley View

Hidden Valley

Valley View


Pine Hollow / Foothill

Holbrook Language Academy

Holbrook (Dual Immersion Program ONLY)/El Dorado / Valley View

Meadow Homes

Oak Grove / Valley View

Monte Gardens

School of Residence or Sequoia Middle with an approved Intradistrict Transfer (with an Attendance Agreement priority)

Mountain View

El Dorado

Mt. Diablo

Diablo View

Pleasant Hill

Pleasant Hill

Rio Vista



School of Residence or Sequoia Middle with an approved Intradistrict Transfer (with an Attendance Agreement priority)

Shore Acres



Pine Hollow


Pleasant Hill

Sun Terrace

El Dorado / Valley View


Valley View

Valle Verde


Walnut Acres



El Dorado


Oak Grove

Wren Ave

El Dorado / Valley View

Ygnacio Valley

Oak Grove

Middle to High School Cohorts



Diablo View


El Dorado

Concord / Mt Diablo



Holbrook Language 

school of residence

Oak Grove

Mt Diablo / Ygnacio Valley

Pine Hollow

Northgate / Choice

Pleasant Hill

College Park / Ygnacio Valley


Mt Diablo


school of residence

Valley View

College Park / Mt. Diablo


  • Academic Programs: Academic Program Pathways are currently in development, but include a continuation of a specialized program, specifically, International Baccalaureate, Dual Immersion, or Bilingual.

  • Employees (7): Employees (7) are defined as a parent/guardian that resides within the district boundaries and is a district employee that works a minimum of 10 hours a week at a district site other than the requested school. This priority will apply only to schools located within the feeder pattern in which the employee's work location is situated and does not apply to Monte Gardens, Sequoia Elementary, or Sequoia Middle School. Priority criteria will only apply for the duration of the parent/guardian's employment within the district.

  • Choice: Any other student that does not meet the above criteria.

Space available will be determined by current enrollment and will be reviewed annually. A District-wide facility plan will assist in determining the capped number. The goal is to enter into a cohort (resident, cohort only, program) in Elementary school and to stay K-12. 

Procedures 2025-2026 School Year:

Online Application Request Period:

October 10, 2024 - November 10, 2024 
(for students who are currently enrolled in Grades K-11 and incoming Kinders requesting Sequoia or Monte Gardens)

February 10, 2025 - March 10, 2025 (Incoming Kinder except Sequoia and Monte Gardens): Any new Kinder students must be registered at the home school before submitting an application. 

Lottery: Student Services conducts a public lottery for vacant spots at all schools. All vacant spots are filled in lottery order. Only applications received by the deadline dates are entered into the lottery. 

Notification:  Parents/guardians are notified in writing of the outcome of the transfer request.

Denial of Requested Transfer Appeal Process:

If parents/guardians are denied a transfer due to space availability, they may appeal this decision by submitting a letter in writing to the Director of the appropriate grade level, by the date indicated in the denial letter. Appeals will be accepted only for students denied a transfer. Notification of the results of an appeal will be made in a timely manner. No appeals will be accepted for those students who were offered a school. The decision of the school level's Director is final and no additional appeals will be accepted. 

Enrolling in the approved school: Parents/guardians must enroll the student at the approved school within two weeks or as indicated in the notification letter. Once enrolled, the transfer is in effect through the 5th grade for elementary, 8th grade for middle school and through 12th grade for high school. Intradistrict Transfers can be revoked if the student does not maintain good attendance (including tardies), behavior, and academics. 

*PLEASE NOTE: Students on Intradistrict Transfers can be displaced prior to 15th day of instruction by students who reside in the school’s attendance area. (BP & AR 5116.1)

Students in 5th grade and 8th grade who wish to apply for an Intradistrict Transfer to middle or high school other than their school of residence must apply for a new Intradistrict Transfer for the next grade level. 


1. Staff reserves the right to change or adjust the types of transfer to align to the California Department of Education (CDE) recommendations

2. The transfer may be revoked if the student fails to demonstrate good attendance, satisfactory behavior and/or satisfactory academic progress. 

3. Parents/Guardians provides transportation

Click here for California Department of Education (CDE) updates.


Enrollment Center Staff

Intradistrict Transfers
(925) 682-8000 X6250
Fax: 925-680-6731

Intradistrict Transfer News
2025-2026 School Year
Intradistrict Lottery Information: 
Sequoia Elementary Grades K-5:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 9:00am-9:45am
Monte Gardens Elementary Grades K-5:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 10:45am
Elementary at Large Grades 1-5:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 11:00am - 11:45am
Grades 6 - 8:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 1:45pm - 2:30pm
Grades 9 - 12:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 2:45pm - 3:30pm

Intradistrict Transfer Notifications

Grades 9-12

Responses sent December 18, 2024* 
Appeals due - February 7, 2025
Appeal response letter - April 11, 2025*

Grades 6-8

Responses sent December 18, 2024* 
Appeals due - February 7, 2025
Appeal response letter - April 11, 2025*
Sequoia/Monte Gardens Kinder and 
All Elementary Grades 1-5
Responses sent December 20, 2024 
Appeals due (Sequoia and Monte Gardens excepted) - February 7, 2025
Appeal response letter (Sequoia and Monte Gardens excepted)- April 11, 2025*
Elementary at Large Kinder
Responses sent - TBD
Appeals due - TBD
Appeal response letter - TBD
*Dates updated 12/30/24

Intradistrict Transfer Data

Data reflects on time applications only


 2022-2023 Approved Transfer Data (Elementary School)

 2022-2023 Approved Transfer Data (Middle School)

2022-2023 Approve Transfer Data (High School)

Please note 2021-2022 data is atypical due to Covid-19

 2021-2022 Approved Transfer   Data (Elementary School)

 2021-2022 Approved Transfer  Data (Middle School)

 2021-2022 Approved Transfer   Data (High School)

 2020-2021 Approved Transfer   Data (Elementary School)

 2020-2021 Approved Transfer   Data (Middle School)

 2020-2021 Approved Transfer   Data (High School)

2019-2020 Approved Transfer   Data (Elementary School)

 2019-2020 Approved Transfer   Data (Middle School)

 2019-2020 Approved Transfer   Data (High School)

 2018-2019 Approved Transfer   Data (Elementary School)

 2018-2019 Approved Transfer   Data (Middle School)

 2018-2019 Approved Transfer   Data (High School)